Printing on a creative shape metal panel

Get out of the ordinary by immortalizing your most beautiful memories on original metal panels! Creative metal sublimation will add a little spice to your home! Get a dynamic decor with your photo montage printed on metal: your guests will be blown away!

  • Unique Shapes

  • Sizes vary from 8x8 to 12x12

  • White gloss finish

Personalise Your Project

Mounting Options

This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
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60% de Rabais

Lightweight & Durable

Sublimation printing is a technology by which images are reproduced on a variety of surfaces. Instead of printing the image directly on the surface, which can be easily scratched, it is integrated into the coating. This guarantees highly durable protection without needing to hide your image behind glass.


Hang your new décor on your wall or place it on your desk. Don’t forget to tell us how you intend to display your work so our specialists can install the appropriate support.

100% Happiness Guaranteed

Gosselin wants you to be completely satisfied with your purchase. If for any reason you want to return or exchange an item, we will be glad to do it! This is part of Gosselin's Guaranteed Satisfaction policy.

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Little Gift Ideas to keep you warm during the holiday season. Come see us in our store. Our experts will help you choose the best gifts for your loved ones.

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